Many people mistakenly believe that entrepreneurs are superhuman. In their ability to imagine, plan and execute, they are first and foremost human beings.   

Have you ever had expectations of your peers such as the following definition? 

Entrepreneur : N.M Inter-prehendere : Means a supreme being who from his embryonic stage holds the seed of entrepreneurship. He has an answer for everything, requires very little sleep and has an inexhaustible concentration and energy. He achieves all his goals with ease and has all the skills and knowledge required to perform in all positions in the company. He has an innate gift for strategic planning, motivating everyone, managing business growth and managing change. He is innovative and stands out from other markets by never destabilizing the flow of his operations. He knows neither vulnerability nor insecurity, as he never makes mistakes and his path is free of pitfalls as he discerns them all with brilliance. 

This definition, although very colorful, represents the perception that many have wrongly of entrepreneurs. In their ability to imagine, plan and execute, they are first and foremost human beings.   

The companies, being created by leaders inclined to surpass themselves, all arrive without exception, at a moment where to carry out an adjustment is essential, since they grow!  In order to progress towards a strategic and optimal growth, the entrepreneur must show a lot of vulnerability, introspection, clarity and especially the ability to delegate.   

Any growth also impacts a multitude of internal factors at each level it crosses and it is essential to preserve its positioning on the market as well as the values that led it to its objectives. It is in order to go through these different phases of growth that a consultant can support and guide the entrepreneur, the human being in his vision.   

It is possible to control growth organically, internally, however, growth also impacts the people who have made this company successful.   

  • Is it time for the owner to get into the visionary seat?   
  • Is it necessary to hire a full-time integrator, COO, CEO?   
  • Does the owner have the opportunity to freely discuss possibilities and strategies with an external party in complete trust and under absolute confidentiality? 
  • Is management accountability instilled in a way that allows the Visionary to rise above? 

  • Do any of your people need to move into the management seat?   
  • Do you have the HR structure to accommodate new employees or is outsourcing of certain responsibilities necessary? 
  • Are everyone’s roles and responsibilities clarified and integrated?   

When a growth stage must be crossed, the fluidity of operations will depend on the proactivity and efficiency of planning and the implementation of operational strategies.   

  • Will your operational flow support the different phases of your growth?  
  • Do your processes need to be optimized or created to support the flow of operations?   
  • Do you need to review your technology needs

It also happens that there is a handover of the company to the next generation involving job changes.   

  • Has a communication plan and strategic planning been put in place to ensure a smooth and welcoming transition? 

What about a yield reduction? Sometimes a major drop in yield occurs, knowing that the market is not to blame. An analysis of the situation must be done quickly so that the situation does not continue and the bleeding is stopped as soon as possible. 

The question was…WHY CONSULT WITH A PROFESSIONAL ADVISOR? Well, given the many factors, not the least of which will impact your growth, an external support will certainly be beneficial.  The consultant will bring you an outside view, will make a clear diagnosis. He has an umbrella vision as well as a multitude of proven solutions and strategies. He will be able to revitalize your company by preserving the methods that have proven themselves over time, as well as remove the sand from the gears for all the snags that prevent fluidity.  He will also be able to orchestrate each step, making sure that the impact of risk and change management are properly managed and that the whole is profitable for the company and its employees, while ensuring that the human being is at the center of each of these actions, as advocated by the values of SPCTE. 

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