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Uniqueness at The Service of Business Consistency.

In May, Mental Health Week (May 6 to 10) brings its share of awareness on this societal issue. I decided to take this opportunity to write a heart-to-heart piece rather than a corporate article.  

 I’d like to share my journey to recognize, celebrate, and use the uniqueness of each person within the company. I’m not a mental health expert. On the other hand, my experiences have enlightened me on key elements that, I think, deserve to be shared to help making people shine. 

When I was in elementary school, I found that each person I met was unique in their way of being, seeing things, and experiences. I could learn so much from each one. Yet, I heard adults talking about some different people, pointing out disabilities, academic difficulties, illnesses, etc. What I noticed at a young age is that while each person is unique, we are all different, right? My observation was not well received by these adults… Being rebellious by nature, it became obvious to me that our uniqueness was our strength. Every person is special and deserves to be known for who they are, plain and simple.   

Since that moment, I’ve been telling people that they’re unique and I see their smiles and their shoulders drooping, a relief. I have seen, and continue to see, the benefits of my decision to see and recognize this uniqueness. 

Unwell women at the officeEntering the workforce, I was confronted with unhappiness to conform to organizational inconsistencies and imbalances making well-being, operations, and growth difficult.

How could human beings create such inhumane work environments? A whole quest began for me to dissect all this and find the recipe to create this environment of well-being… Was it possible or utopian? 

During an interview for a job, the candidate is questioned a lot and, conversely, companies are not very asked… Still, so many questions to ask about whether the company, the position, the tasks, and future colleagues are suitable. A job is a contract. It is important that both parties benefit from this. 

Why can the same person be a star or a black sheep or unable to function depending on the company they work for? 

Even today, can we say that the interview process makes it possible to understand the intrinsic particularities of the person and those of the company? Are we giving ourselves the time and the means to connect? The rate of employee turnover and the quest for well-being are still relevant. How to get perfect matches? 

I discovered that for a human being to be well at work, there are 2 axes to consider: 

1-Respect for one’s uniqueness.
2-The coherence of the organization. 

1- Respect for uniqueness 

I personally believe that through their essence, each individual flourishes, thus embodying their perfection.
If you’re lucky enough to always be yourself, you can shine, because no adaptation is required, no stress, no fatigue. 

Did you know that there are 3 parts of the mind? I discovered it a few years ago and it changed my life!  

If  management integrates the understanding of the 3 parts of the mind, it aims to optimize the organization by valuing the uniqueness of each person. 

1-Affective (Emotions)
2-Cognitive (Reflections)
3-Conative (Actions) 

Psychometric tests, tools for identifying and integrating these 3 parts of the mind, offer a comprehensive perspective on the mental functioning of individuals. However, the majority of known psychometric tests analyze only 2 out of 3 parts, i.e. affective and cognitive. 

There is only one test to assess the conative aspect of your employees. It provides information on the instinct to act, i.e.: 

  • Natural Talents 
  • Strengths 
  • The modus operandi 
  • Mental energy management. 

 The instinct to act remains the same throughout your life, which is why the test is completed only once, while the emotional and cognitive aspects evolve over time.  

Imagine a job where you’re allowed to do only the tasks you love? Oh my, I hear people saying: “Well, it doesn’t make sense, we don’t always have a choice…” 

Procrastination is the manifestation of disinterest. So, if you respect the emotional aspect, you will do everything that is related to your values, your motivations, your preferences. Say goodbye to procrastination! 😄 Bartering has been around for a long time. There’s always someone who likes to do what you don’t like, both in your personal and professional life. If the tasks are well distributed, everyone benefits. 

The integration of the conative into human resources activities facilitates team building, ensuring that roles are assigned based on innate aptitude, which fosters a harmonious and productive work environment. 

By considering the three components of the mind – affective, conative and cognitive – it is possible to hire and evaluate adequately. Each person will be aligned with their role for optimal engagement and performance: wanting their role – acting appropriately – having the capacity to do it. 

2- The coherence of the organization 

The entrepreneur who creates a business, creates a society. This society provides a framework, just as a city, a province, a country does. The more consistent it is, the better it is to live there. 

I’ve found that inconsistencies are pervasive in companies. For example, a bonus is paid on individual performance when teamwork is one of the predominant values of an organizational mission. The company’s values are the cornerstone of its balance, the breadcrumb trail to establish the coherence of a direction. 

Inconsistency creates a domino effect that affects all spheres of the business and can be observed by several symptoms:  

  • More employees, but less productivity 
  • Quality Issue 
  • Political working environment 
  • Turnover rate 
  • Etc. 

Values will attract people who feel aligned with. If the reality differs, it is certain that it will create an imbalance within the team and affect the effectiveness of its members. 

Values unite people in the way they do and behave; This simplifies day-to-day work. Consistency in business isn’t just
a choice, it’s the glue that holds success together.   

In conclusion, I believe that when we put people first in business, that everyone is respected in his or her uniqueness, that he or she is in the right place and in the right organization, he or she can evolve and feel good mentally. 

It is therefore imperative to integrate the 3 components of the mind into management, in addition to proposing a coherent organization to ensure that well-being, productivity and profitability are optimized to set up a flourishing business. 

Contact us to learn more about the test that assesses the 3 components of the mind.