The translation is: Personalized Services for Business Growth and Transformation
(In French: Services Personnalisés pour la Croissance et Transformation en Entreprise)

Both are offered. During the needs analysis, this point will be discussed to ensure that expectations are met. It should be noted that we prefer virtual services because they minimize our carbon footprint and enable us to help entrepreneurs all over the world. We have helped companies from different countries and continents.

We look at all aspects to identify the source(s) of the symptoms: leadership, culture, finance, structure, processes, communications, training, team synergy, talent management, etc.

To answer this question, there are three elements to consider: the source of the problems, the capacity of the members of the company and the available budget. The exact answer to this question will be possible following our diagnosis and recommendations. On average, companies have taken between six months and a year to revitalize.

When a general manager joins a company, he or she is the owner's right-hand on a part-time basis, but he or she gives it his or her full attention.The objective is to carry out the business plan and to help hire and train his or her replacement when the time is right. The number of hours per week will be determined according to your needs and available budget. The general manager will take care of managing the change when he or she joins the team, analyzing the current situation to understand the actions that will create synergy and traction to accelerate growth. He will work closely with the owner to implement his vision.

SPCTE is a paperless company that uses technology to ensure simple and effective management of communications and collaboration. Our approach is to use your channels, and/or suggest new ones if necessary, to ensure effective communication and collaboration by creating a single source of truth for all documentation.

The services we offer help to develop leadership, increase productivity and accelerate the growth of your business. They qualify for various programs. In addition, all our training courses are subject to the Act to promote workforce skills development and recognition in Quebec (1%).