By starting his company, the entrepreneur decides and acts according to his personal values. When the growth will begin, he will have to surround himself with people to answer to the customers’ demand and to the company’s needs. It is important to identify, to define and to communicate its values from the beginning to favor the preservation of the balance of its company.

The values allow to build the foundations on which the employees can evolve over time. Each of the values should have a definition, expected behaviors and controls to ensure their application. The decisions and the actions taken by the management and the employees will be in connection with the values. The behavior, the management style and the dynamics of the team will be in harmony and will facilitate the changes and the transformations.

When a company announces values, but omits to define them and to have controls, the imbalance will be there. The observed values will be different from those expressed because the door will be opened for personal decisions and actions to the detriment of the company. The behavior, the management style and the dynamics of the team will be contradictory, leading to difficult changes and transformations… The first sign of imbalance in connection with the values, is the increase of the employee turnover rate.

Some will resign and others will be thanked because they act according to the announced values and cannot integrate their team.  

You would like to read more about a company’s balance?

I published a book in French Défi d’entreprise : croître en équilibre. Click here to buy
(English version to come – Business Challenge : Balancing Business Growth)