Here are my Top 3 for a successful change in my personal life or when I accompany a company going through a transformation.

1.  Clear vision of the starting point.

When planning a trip, it is important to know where you are going in order to plan the route. To change, you need to know where you’re going to plan the transition.

Personal example: If a person wants to adopt a vegan diet, it would be nice to have a health check to make sure that no vitamin deficiency is present.

Business example: A diagnosis of the current situation could show uncompleted changes when they should be.

2.  One Leader!

Have only one person to lead the change. Having multiple leaders is bad for success.

Personal example: If a family moves, one of the parents will lead. He will be supported by family members and others, but will be the leader.

Business example: Only one Sponsor will be accountable for the success of the change. He will be the leader of change and will be supported by a whole team.

3.  Surround yourself with the right people

Surrounding yourself with people having the necessary expertise and involving the people who will be affected by the change will ensure a better transition to the desired situation.

Personal example: If a person wants to eat a vegan diet, it would be nice to have their doctor and a nutritionist to help.

Business example: If an organization acquires a company, to do the integration, it would be nice to include in the team, among others, the legal department, technologies, human resources and personnel of the company acquired.

Image by Quincemedia